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Difference between an interest rate and the comparison rate?

A home loan interest rate only indicates how much interest you will be charged annually on the principal balance of your loan, which affects your monthly installments. Comparison rates, on the other hand, compare the overall cost of the loan per year, which includes the majority of the fees and charges that may arise at the start of the loan or throughout the year. For more information, please visit the North Brisbane Home Loans website.

How to Find the Best Mortgage Broker in Mango Hill, QLD

Planning to buy your first home in Mango Hill location? Don't worry! Talk to the North Brisbane Home Loans' trusted mortgage brokers team and apply for a first home loan. Get the expert advice from our experienced brokers and complete help throughout the loan process to buy your dream home in Mango Hill.

How Does a Guarantor Mortgage Work

Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly hard for first-time home buyers to save up a 20% deposit. If you are looking for an alternative way of funding your leap into the property market then guarantor mortgage can help you in purchasing your first home. Learn more about how does guarantor mortgage work!


how does guarantor mortgage work

Renegotiating Price After Building Inspection

What’s next after the Building inspection? You can either accept the report as is and move forward with the contract, or if there are issues you may request that they be repaired. If this isn't possible then renegotiate a purchase price after building inspection to cover for any repairs found in the reports.


Construction Finance: How Construction Financing Works?

Construction financing is a tailored lending solution that is perfect for those who want to buy land and build their own home. One of the key differences between construction loans and regular mortgages are in how they're structured--construction loans typically have higher interest rates but lower monthly payments than standard mortgage due dates because you pay back some or all of your loan balance before completing construction on the house. Find out more about how does construction financing work.


Low Doc No Doc Loans for Self Employed

A low doc mortgage is a type of loan which requires less documentation than the traditional "full-doc" process. It can be completed in as little time and with fewer restrictions on income, credit score, or down payment amount to get approved for your home!


A no doc home loans are also known as ‘low docs’ because they require minimal paperwork that has been signed by any third party before submitting an application. If you are still confused how low doc and no doc home loans work then please visit here.


Budget Kitchen Renovations Brisbane, QLD - A Complete Kitchen Renovation Guide

You might have the need to renovate your kitchen in Brisbane on a budget. This is quite possible if you choose our Budget Kitchen Renovations Plan which includes all of your kitchen renovation needs for less. 


Kitchen renovations can be a time-consuming and expensive project, but don't have to be worried bout all costing if you go with North Brisbane Home Loans. Whether it's your first renovation or second one, we're here for all of the kitchen financing needs. 


North Brisbane Home Loans has made complete Homeowners Guide to Kitchen Renovation in 2021. Read more here!


kitchen renovations brisbane north

Business Loan Brokers Brisbane - Why Use Finance Brokers?

A business loan, if used properly, can be a powerful tool that helps businesses grow and meet their needs. It is one of the most common ways for small to medium size companies to generate capital when they need it fast. North Brisbane Home Loans is ready to help your business grow. Speak with our qualified finance brokers in Brisbane and we'll work together on business finance options that will suit you best!


Home Construction Loans Explained - How They Work?

Building your home is not easy as it looks? Here’s everything you should know about how a construction loan works. North Brisbane Home Loans has a dedicated team of mortgage brokers who has prepared the Brisbane homeowners guide to construction financing in 2021.


If you are looking to apply for a construction home loan in Brisbane then you can check this guide or contact the professional team of North Brisbane Home Loans.


First Home Buyer Tips

Buying your first home is a really exciting time! You’re feeling all sorts of emotions, and you’ve got friends coming at you from every angle with advice. As mortgage brokers we deal with mortgages on an everyday basis- which means that we have insider knowledge to help guide your decisions when it comes to securing the perfect place for yourself and family. Please read on for our top tips for first home buyers.


What does a Finance Broker in Brisbane do?

A finance broker in Brisbane works to help locals find the best financing options for them. They are a liaison between borrower and lender, always working with what is most beneficial towards clients. Experienced finance brokers in Brisbane can help you with everything from securing a home mortgage to facilitating loans for cars and other vehicles or even helping your business grow.


finance brokers in brisbane


If you're in the market for a home loan, look no further than North Brisbane Home Loans. With our experienced brokers and wide variety of financial needs - we're sure to have something that will work just right.

Should I Buy or Sell House First? Next Home Mortgage Brisbane

When you're thinking about changing your home, whether it's for more space or a change of jobs, the first question is usually what happens when you buy your new house. Do I sell this one and then move into that? We know that the process of buying a home can be stressful. So we’ve compiled a guide to help you work out which option is best for you!


Looking for a next home loan? Well we got the right solution, so don't spend your time figuring out which type of option is best. Take our buy or sell a home first guide to help figure it all out!


Should I Buy or Sell A House First?

Household Expenditure Measure 2021: How Will A Lender Calculate Home Living Expenses

Looking to finance your home? Find the best home loan as per your current status. To get approve fast for a loan you should aware of how will a mortgage lender calculate your living expenses in 2021. .


To find more about the Household Expenditure Measure in 2021, please visit the North Brisbane Home Loans website.


What are the Benefits of Refinancing a Home Loan?

You might be thinking if it's beneficial to refinance your existing home loan. North Brisbane Home Loans has created a list of the best 8 advantages of refinancing your mortgage this year. Visit here to find out more.


Home Builders Grant Federal Government: How to Apply in Brisbane?

Being a first home buyer if you are planning to build your new home in Brisbane, then you may be looking for a federal government home builder grant? Here is a complete guide on the Brisbane home builders grant. This guide covers all the below points.


  • What is the Homebuilders grant?
  • The criteria you need to meet
  • Important dates
  • What types of builds can I use HomeBuilder for?
  • Using HomeBuilder towards your deposit
  • How to apply for Home Builders Grant?


For more help, you can talk to the North Brisbane Home Loans mortgage brokers now!

How to Get a Mortgage When Self Employed in Brisbane?

If you are not aware of how to get approved for a mortgage when self-employed then you can simply visit the North Brisbane Home Loans website or contact a mortgage broker in Brisbane, Queensland.